So chances are, you’ve never heard of us. That’s ok. With all the continuous sprouting of news out there, it’s difficult keeping track of who’s who. So, it would be rude to not introduce the website and give you some background information about us.

We are Filipinos who are behind the Kwentology. Which first introduced the year 2012. We covered up almost 99% of English articles. The website gain its popularity for having informative posts. This somehow interest us to write articles on Filipino language. Which we are really 100% good on write ups. In the first place that's our national language.

Aside of able to speak English and Tagalog (internationally known as Filipino language). We can also write and speak using Hiligaynon, a native dialect of Ilonggo. Well, we are here in Negros Occidental. We're here since the first time world welcome us as kids of the future.

Now, what we aiming for is to provide different topics. Like we used to have the moment we learn to operating a computer.

We will be giving out important things like news, technology, lifestyle and everything that are really useful.

For our avid readers thanks a lot. And please don't forget to visit us again and again.

Yours truly,
iKwento Team